"I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!
How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book." -Jane Austen
School of Grammar
Across Five Aprils
- Irene Hunt
The Adventures of Frog and Toad
- Arnold Lobel
The Adventures of Robin Hood
- Howard Pyle
The Aesop for Children
Alfred the King
- Chris Schlect
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
- Charles Lutwidge Dogson
Alone Yet Not Alone
- Tracy M. Leininger
The Alphabet Quest
- Ned Bustard
Amelia Bedelia
- Peggy Parish
Amos Fortune
- Elizabeth Yates
Around the World in Eighty Days
- Jules Verne
Augustine, the Farmer Boy of Tagaste
- P. de Zeeuw
The Autobiography of George Muller
- George Muller
Baby Island
- Carol Ryrie Brink
The Berenstein Bears
- Stan and Jan Berenstein
Because of Winn-Dixie
- Kate DiCamillo
Beowulf the Warrior
- Serraillier I
The Biggest Bear
- Lyn Ward
Billy Blaze
- Clarence William Anderson
The Black Flag
- Ned Bustard
Black Ships Before Troy
- Rosemary Sutcliff
Blackthorn Winter
- Kathryn Reiss
Blueberries for Sal
- Robert McCloskey
The Boxcar Children
- Gertrude Warner
The Brave Monk
- R.C. Sproul Jr.
Bread and Jam for Frances
- Russell Hoban
Bright Night
- Nancy Wilson
The Bronze Bow
- Elizabeth George Speare
- Bruce Colson
Bud and Me
- Alta and Temple Abernathy
The Call of the Wild
- Jack London
Caps for Sale
- Esphyr Slobodkina
Carry a Big Stick
- George Grant
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
- Jean Lee Latham
Caught In Smiles
- Douglas Jones
A Chair for Mother
- Vera Williams
Charlotte’s Web
- E. B. White
The Children’s Homer
- Padraic Colum
A Christmas Carol
- Charles Dickens
- Don Freeman
Curious George
- H. A. Rey
Cyrus the Archer
- Wes & Dani Callhan
Detectives in Togas
- Henry Winterfield
Dr. DeSoto
- William Steig
The Door in the Wall
- Marguerite De Angler
Duel in the Wilderness
- Karin Farley
Ella Sings Jazz
- Ned Bustard
Farmer Boy
- Laura Ingles Wilder
- George Eliot
Frog and Toad
- Arnold Lobel
From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
- E. L. Konigsburg
God’s Smuggler
- Brother Andrew
Green Eggs and Ham
- Dr. Seuss
Harry the Dirty Dog
- Gene Zion
- Johanna Spyrn
Henry and Mudge
- Cynthia Rylant
The Hiding Place
- Cornelie Ten Boom
Homer Price
- Robert McCloskey
Howard Saves a Hound
- Carl L. Petticoffer
I Am Regina
- Sally Keehn
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
- Laura Joffe Numeroff
If You Take A Mouse to School
- Laura Joffe Numeroff
In a Camel's Eye
- Ben and Bekah Merkle
Ink on His Fingers
- Louise A. Vernon
Johnny Tremaine
- Esther Forbes
The Journals of Lewis and Clark
- William Clark & Merriwether Lewis
The Jungle Book
- Rudyard Kipling
- Robert Lewis Stevenson
King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table
- Roger Lancelyn Green
Lexi's Hope
- Diana DiPasquale Bauer
Little Bear
- Else Holmelund Minarik
The Little Engine That Could
- Watty Piper
Little House on the Prairie
- Laura Ingalls Wilder
The List
- Siobhan Vivian
- Ludwig Bemelmans
- Joyce Lankester Brisley
Mr. Popper’s Penguins
- Richard and Florence Atwater
Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea
- Cynthia Rylant
Moon Mission
- Tom Garfield
My Clara
- Rachel Wilson
My Father’s Dragon
- Ruth Stile Gannett
A New Coat for Anna
- Harriet Ziefert
Night of the Full Moon
- Gloria Whelon
Number the Stars
- Louis Lowry
Pan and the Mad Man
- Laurie Detweiler and Ned Bustard
Pepin the Not-Big
- Ty and Emily Fischer
Peter Rabbit
- Beatrix Potter
- Carlo Collodi
The Pioneers Go West
- Georg R. Stewart
Pompeii…Buried Alive
- Edith Kunhardt
Queen of the Sea
- Douglas Jones
The Rainbow Fish
- Marcus Pfister
The Red Badge of Courage
- Stephen Crane
Red Hood
- Ned Bustard
The Rig Ran On
- Joanna Veith and Emily Fischer
Rolf and the Viking Bow
- Allen French
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
- Mildred D. Taylor
Runs From Guns
- Emily Fischer
Salt in His Blood
- William R. Rang
Sarah, Plain, and Tall
- Patricia Maclachlan
- Gail Langer Karwaski
Serving In the Shadow of Death
- Laura Blakey
Soft Rain
- Cornelia Cornelissen
Stone Soup
- Marcia Brown
Stuart Little
- E. B. White
The Swiss Family Robinson
- Johann David Wyss
The Sword of Rob Roy
- Gene E. Veith
A Tale of Sir Galahad
- Ned Bustard
This Was John Calvin
- Thea B. Van Halsema
Through the Looking Glass
- Charles Lutwidge Dogson
The Tinkers’ Daughter
- Wendy Lawton
To the Rim of the Map
- Eric Vanderhoof
Treasure Island
- Robert Lewis Stevenson
The Trojan Horse
- Emily Little
The Trumpet of the Swan
- E. B. White
Twice Freed
- Patricia St. John
Up in the Sky
- Tom Garfield
The Velveteen Rabbit
- Margery Williams
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Eric Carle
- A. A. Milne
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
- Elizabeth George Speare
With Lee in Virginia
- G. A. Henty
School of Logic & Rhetoric
The Bible
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- Mark Twain
- Virgil
Aeschylus I
Aesop’s Fables
- Aesop
All Quiet on the Western Front
- Erich Maria Remarque
Amusing Ourselves to Death
- Neil Postman
Animal Farm
- George Orwell
The Annals of Imperial Rome
- Tacitus
Anne of Green Gables
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anselm of Canterbury
- Anselm
The Anti-federalist Papers
- Cato, Brutus, and Federal Farmo
Art in the Bible
- Francis Schaeffer
The Bacchae and Other Plays
- Euripides
Benjamin FranklinThe Autobiography of Charles G. Finney
Best Things in Life
- Peter Kreeft
- Translated by Seamus Heaney
The Bondage of the Will
- Marin Luther
Brave New World
- Aldous Huxley
The Canterbury Tales
- Geoffrey Chauser
Chosen By God
- R. C. Sproul
Christianity and Liberalism
- J. Greshem Machen
Church History
- Eusebius
Code of Hammurabi
- Hammurabi
Columbus on Himself
- Christopher Columbus
Communist Manifesto
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
- Augustine
Crime and Punishment
- Fyodor Dostoyesvsky
Dandelion Wine
- Ray Bradbury
Death of a Salesman
- Arthur Miller
Death on the Nile
- Agatha Christie
Desiring God
- John Piper
Diary of a Young Girl
- Anne Frank
The Divine Comedy
- Dante Alighieri
- Bram Stoker
The Dragon and the Raven
- G. A. Henty
Eagle of the Ninth
- Rosemary Sutcliff
Early History of Rome
- Livy
Eats, Shoots, and Leaves
- Lynne Truss
Ecclesiastical History of the English People
- The Venerable Bede
- Jane Austen
Epic of Gilgamesh
- Anonymous
Faerie Queen
- Edmund Spencer
Fahrenheit 451
- Ray Bradbury
The Federalist Papers
- Madison, Jay, and Hamilton
The Fellowship of the Ring
- J.R.R. Tolkien
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs
- John Foxe
- Mary Shelley
The Great Christian Revolution
- Otto Scott
Great Expectations
- Charles Dickens
The Great Gatsby
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Grey is the Color of Hope
- Irina Ratushinskaya
Gulliver’s Travels
- Anne Keay and Jonathan Swift
- William Shakespeare
Heart of Darkness
- Joseph Conrad
Henry V
- William Shakespeare
Historic Speeches
- Josephus
The History of the Kings of Britain
- Geoffrey of Monmouth
The Hobbit
- J.R.R. Tolkien
Holiness of God
- R. C. Sproul
The Horse and His Boy
- C. S. Lewis
How Should We Then Live?
- Francis Schaeffer
How to Read a Book
- Mortimer J. Adler
Introduction to Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Homer
Jane Eyre
- Charlotte Bronte
Julius Caesar
- William Shakespeare
The Jungle
- Upton Sinclair
Killer Angels
- Michael Shaara
King Richard III
- William Shakespeare
Knowing God
- J. I. Packer
The Koran
- Mohammad
The Last Battle
- C. S. Lewis
Last Days of Socrates
- Plato
Last of the Mohicans
- James Ferimore Cooper
Legend of Sleepy Hollow
- Washington Irving
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
- C. S. Lewis
Little Women
- Louisa May Alcott
Lord of the Flies
- William Golding
- William Shakespeare
The Magicians Nephew
- C. S. Lewis
Mein Kampf
- Adolf Hitler
Mere Christianity
- C. S. Lewis
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
- Howard Pyle
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- William Shakespeare
- Elie Wiesel
The Nine Tailors
- Dorothy Sayers
- George Orwell
Northanger Abbey
- Jane Austen
- Homer
Of Plymouth Plantation
- William Bradford
The Old Man and the Sea
- Ernest Hemingway
On the Incarnation
- Athanasius of Alexandria
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Out of the Silent Planet
- C. S. Lewis
- C. S. Lewis
The Peloponesian War
- Thucydides
The Pilgrim’s Progress
- John Bunyan
The Pit and the Pendulum
- Edgar Allen Poe
Plutarch’s Lives
- Plutarch
The Poems of Edgar Allen Poe
Postmodern Times
- Gene Veith
Pride and Prejudice
- Jane Austen
The Prince
- Niccolo Machiavelli
The Prince and the Pauper
- Mark Twain
The Republic
- Plato
Prince Caspian
- C. S. Lewis
Reflections on the Revolution in France
- Edmund Burke
Reformed Dogmatics
- Herman Bavinck
The Return of the King
- J.R.R Tolkien
Robinson Crusoe
- Daniel Defoe
The Rule of Saint Benedict
- St. Benedict of Nursia
The Saga of the Volsungs
Scarlet Letter
- Nathaniel Hawthorne
Scarlet Pimpernel
- Emma Orczy
The Screwtape Letters
- C. S. Lewis
Sherlock Holmes
- Arthur Conan Doyle
The Silmarillion
- J.R.R Tolkien
The Silver Chair
- C. S. Lewis
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
- The Pearl Poet
Socrates Meets Jesus
- Peter Kreeft
Song of Roland
- Translated by Dorothy Sayers
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
- Howard Pyle
A Tale of Two Cities
- Charles Dickens
That Hideous Strength
- C. S. Lewis
Till We Have Faces
- C. S. Lewis
To Kill a Mockingbird
- Harper Lee
Tortured for Christ
- Richard Wurmbrand
Travels of Marco Polo
- Rustichello da Pisa, Paulo Siveria, et al
The Treaty of Versailles
- Woodrow Wilson and others
Twelve Caesars
- Suetonius
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
- Jules Verne
The Two Towers
- J.R.R Tolkien
The Unaborted Socrates
- Peter Kreeft
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
Under Drakes Flag
- G. A. Henty
Understanding the Times
- David A. Noebel
Up from Slavery
- Booker T. Washington
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- C. S. Lewis
Walden and Other Writings
- Henry David Thoreau
Wealth of Nations
- Adam Smith
The Westminster Confession of Faith
What if Jesus Had Never Been Born?
- Kennedy & Newcombe
Winning His Spurs
- G. A. Henty