Online Meeting Time:
9:00-9:30 AM
US Eastern Time Zone
Christ Dominion Academy’s Pre-Algebra class is the bridge between arithmetic computation and conceptual algebra. Students will focus on applying the fundamental operations to real-world applications while also building scientific habits and applying their understanding to a search for general rules, formulas, and categories.
CDA's Pre-Algebra seeks to take students from the foundational level of mathematics and strengthen the framework for the language that is algebra. Students will begin by building problem solving skills, multi-step organization, and communication. Emphasis in this class will be placed on collaboration with peers, strengthening critical thinking, and understanding and exploring concepts.
This class marks the beginning of our School of Logic (7-9th grade) where students are expected to question and search for validity and this is carried over to mathematics as well. This class marks the turning point between facts and concrete memorization, and problem solving and exploration.
Online students will be required to attend the live classes three times per week.