Online Meeting Time:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
9:35-10:35 AM
1:00-2:55 PM (As Needed)
10:35-11:30 AM
US Eastern Time Zone
Christ Dominion Academy’s Ancient Literature and Worldview course challenges students to think and write critically about literature from and concerning the ancient world in light of a Biblical worldview.
Literature & Worldview: Introduction to Ancient Literature
Christ Dominion Academy’s Ancient Literature and Worldview course teaches students to think critically about literature from and concerning the ancient world in light of a Biblical worldview. The main themes of Ancient Literature and Worldview are the Law of God, how it affected early society, and how it can and should change society today. Students will practice expression through writing in weekly, more casual discussion boards, and in formal writing exercises, such as the classical progymnasmata. Students will learn to think more critically about issues in our culture such as sociology, economics, and anthropology, all in the light of the Law of God revealed in Scripture. The minimum age for students in this class is twelve.